How can We Stay Healthy While Traveling
September 27 , 2023

How can We Stay Healthy While Traveling

When you travel, especially if you're on vacation, it is possible to enjoy yourself, sample the local cuisine, and get some exercise without denying yourself a full vacation. We'll demonstrate how to balance enjoyment and fitness while traveling since, after all, the whole idea of a trip is to live your best life by following the health tips. Getting out of your routine and seeing a new place frequently go hand in hand. You can maintain your health while traveling if you follow this advice.

In this blog, we discuss how to meet these obstacles by fusing the enjoyment of your trip with a healthy way of living. It's important to follow the health tips when traveling, and it's feasible to do both while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And despite these health issues, traveling still has countless advantages. Therefore, we cannot stress enough how crucial traveling is!

Stay Hydrated

To prevent dehydration, strive for eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, or around 2 liters, advises Melissa Darlow, a nutritionist at Nao Medical. She adds that some foods can aid in hydration as well. Fruits like mangoes, blueberries, papayas, and blackberries, according to Darlow, are not only hydrating but also rich in vitamins and minerals. These fruits are particularly high in vitamin C, which helps promote a robust immune system and skin care while traveling. For the best blood sugar control and satiety, combine these fruits with a source of protein and/or healthy fat, like fruit, a handful of nuts, or Greek yogurt.

Skin Care

If you want to save yourself from a terrible sunburn, use sunscreen with an SPF of 30+ for your skin care. Bring an umbrella and a hat and cover up to protect your skin from UVA and UVB radiation. Take this protection seriously since, even though the sunburn will go away, the elevated risk of skin cancer persists.

Wash your Hands

One of the simplest things you can do to prevent becoming sick when traveling is to wash your hands frequently, advises Alyssa Wilson, RD and Metabolic Success Coach at Signos Health. Carry hand sanitizer with you to reduce the chance of contracting any viruses if going to the bathroom to clean up isn't an option.

Update Your Vaccinations

Get your COVID-19 vaccine and booster shots first and foremost. Visit a travel medicine specialist well before your trip to get the necessary vaccines and for your online vaccination certificate if you're going to places where there's a chance of tropical diseases.

Get Vaccinated

Maintaining a current vaccination schedule will help keep you healthy when traveling. Different regions of the world have different risks, so it's important to check with your doctor or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to see what vaccinations are recommended for the countries you're visiting with your online vaccination certificate. If you do need a vaccination, get it at least four to six weeks before your trip so you have time to recover if there are any side effects.

Pack Non-Perishable Snacks

Nuts, freeze-dried, roasted chickpeas, protein bars, and jerky are examples of wholesome, portable foods. Maintaining your blood sugar levels, and keeping you satisfied, awake, and prepared for travel are all benefits of having a supply of protein or a healthy fat on hand, according to Darlow. Try to use boiled eggs, strawberries, oatmeal, and dried cranberries as a low-calorie snack. Since most energy drinks contain over 30 grams of sugar and create a significant jump in blood sugar followed by an eventual drop, I would not advise going for one. So even though you could experience an early spike in alertness, it eventually gives way to a drop in energy and causes exhaustion. I advise drinking plenty of water, and green tea, using low-calorie snacks, and, if you must have coffee, limiting yourself to one or two glasses early in the day.

Eat Breakfast

Getting out of your routine and seeing a new place frequently go hand in hand. While sampling the local cuisine is part of the experience, Darlow advises starting the day with a healthy breakfast. Try to have 20 to 30 grams of protein, some healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates every day. You'll be able to start your day off right, keep your blood sugar levels steady, and retain your feeling of routine if you do this. Scrambled eggs and avocado over whole-grain toast is a fantastic way to obtain these nutrients.

Pack OTC Medication

When traveling, it's a good idea to always have a few essential drugs on hand. Ibuprofen, antihistamines, decongestants, and motion sickness medications may be helpful, according to Wilson. In case you use prescribed medicine, keep it with you at all times in its unique container together with your health practitioner's prescription surely said on the label. Keep in touch with your doctor to keep true fitness and obtain remedies for viral illnesses or small injuries.

Avoid Fast Food

Foods high in refined carbohydrates or added sugars should be avoided. A chocolate chip cookie or candy bar may be alluring, but they can also cause glucose levels to increase, according to Wilson. Fast food frequently contains a lot of calories and sodium, which over time can lead to weight gain and high blood pressure. Junk food may be expensive as well, and it's not always simple to find healthful options.

Avoid Risky Foods and Beverages

It's crucial to watch what you eat and drink when you're traveling. Avoid using tap water and ice that has been produced with it and avoid taking fast foods with you. Avoid tap water and only consume sealed liquids. Stick to bottled water. Be cautious while eating raw fruits and vegetables, as they can have been cleaned in tainted water. When feasible, choose cooked or peeled options. Steer clear of unpasteurized dairy products and partially cooked meat. While being adventurous when traveling is a good thing, there are times when it's wise to stick to familiar foods. If we talk about Are snacks healthy? The first thing that comes to my mind is blueberries and yogurt, Apple and peanut butter, banana and toast, and red pepper, and humus.

Be Prepared for Emergencies

There is always a danger that you could get sick while traveling, regardless of how carefully you prepare. Make sure you have travel insurance in case you end up in the hospital or need to see a doctor while you're on vacation. In case you fall ill while traveling, it's a good idea to find the closest medical services or health care center.