How to Survive on a Long-Haul Flight
October 03 , 2023

How to Survive on a Long-Haul Flight

Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, you cannot do much to turn a long-haul flight into an enjoyable experience.

However, there are things you can do to make yourself feel comfortable during the long journey. Here are the travel tips you need to survive a long-haul flight.

Avoid Heavy Meals

Avoid eating large meals right before or during your journey. They are more difficult for your body to digest and might make it harder to get to sleep, often making you feel nauseous. Additionally, feeling bloated may cause discomfort when flying, which may make it harder for you to stay seated.

Snack Carefully

If you want to keep your blood sugar levels low and make it easier to deal with jet lag, choose nutritious, healthy snacks, and carb-rich items like whole-grain bread and oats. Protein-rich snacks are yet another option for a healthy snack. Cheese, yogurt, or even protein bars should be brought. You'll feel more energized and satisfied after eating them.

Wear Comfortable Clothing

Everyone has taken a long journey where they experienced extremes of cold, sweating, and then cooling off again. You can handle the temperature differences you'll experience during the journey and between the terminal and the aircraft by wearing loose-fitting clothing and a few breathable layers. In addition, nobody wants their midriff pinched for seven hours by a belt.

Wear Comfy Shoes

Your feet and ankles usually swell when you're flying. This occurs as a result of prolonged sitting with your feet on the ground. So pick your footwear carefully. If you're on a long flight, stretch and flex your legs periodically while you're seated to help reduce foot swelling. If you can, switch positions by discussing with your flight attendant every couple of hours and go for a quick stroll.

Stay Hydrated

Because aircraft cabins are frequently extremely dry environments, the likelihood of dehydration is considerable. Drink a lot of water, slowly and frequently, and limit your intake of alcohol, tea, and coffee. If you can, bring a bottle of drinking water with you on the flight (due to liquid restrictions, it might need to be purchased at the airport and kept sealed until boarding). To ensure you always have access to water, you can even store any that the cabin staff provides in an empty plastic bottle in your hand luggage in between trolley excursions. If you are prone to dry eyes or find that your skin is also impacted, pack a little container of moisturizer and some eye drops.

Make New Friends

The chance to meet fascinating people traveling in your direction is excellent on flights. Why not learn more about each person on that plane and their unique journey? Engaging in conversation with your seatmate or the individual who uses the restroom at the same time as you is one of the most entertaining ways to get through a long-haul flight. Yes, you might spend the remainder of the flight hearing about the antics of their thirteen pet cats, but you might have a new traveling companion by the time you get off the plane.

Relax Yourself

There isn't a finer occasion than a flight to put your worries aside and do nothing. There is no cell phone reception, a flight attendant to all your needs, and someone else driving. Use the opportunity to finish that book you've been meaning to read, watch a couple of rom-coms, or go through the guidebook to get enthusiastic about your trip. Your lengthy flight will instantly turn from being a hassle to being a benefit if you think of those eight, ten, or twelve hours as extra time.

Take Your Own Snacks

You will be fed on a long-distance journey, but it might not be when or even what you were anticipating. Traveling across time zones frequently results in eating breakfast, drinking water at night, and noodles or curry first thing in the morning'. Carry healthy snacks like cereal bars, nuts, or dried fruit in your carry-on luggage to fend off any hunger pangs as you wait for the rattle of the food cart.

Don’t Pack Too Much in Your Cabin Luggage

Even though a few small extras are undoubtedly helpful, keep your belongings small and portable. Nothing is more unpleasant than trying to stuff large luggage into an overhead locker while hauling it around the boarding area with everyone else tutting. If hand luggage regulations permit, bringing just one cabin bag and a smaller purse or shoulder bag is best. You can store your smaller necessities like a water bottle, earplugs, and an MP3 player in it.

Be Productive

When there are no outside interruptions, we are surprisingly productive. There are no ringing telephones in the air and noise-canceling headphones. Start working on your notepad, laptop, or sketchbook.

Always Bring a Scarf or Shawl

A scarf is a helpful multipurpose item for travelers because it may be used as a blanket or a cushion to block the light from your eyes or provide warmth.

Keep Yourself Entertained

A long journey can be passed by doing positive things reading books, using tablets, or reading magazines. Catching up on the most recent episodes of your favorite shows or listening to your brand-new Spotify playlist may also be a good idea at this time. To avoid paying for in-flight Wi-Fi, make sure you download any internet content to your smartphone or use noise-canceling headphones for music.

Shell Out for a Premium Economy

Unfortunately, we don't always have the mileage. Premium economy is an upgrade over ordinary economy class, and while it may cost a little more, looking at the positive things, the priority check-in, additional legroom, and comfy seats typically outweigh the price.