Major Languages You Need to Learn If You're a Traveler
October 26 , 2023

Major Languages You Need to Learn If You're a Traveler

Do you dream of traveling the world, experiencing diverse cultures, and making connections in far-flung places? If so, there's a key to unlocking the doors to incredible travel experiences: learning the local languages. While you don't need to become an expert overnight, picking up a few essential phrases or delving into the basics of a language can significantly enhance your adventures. But of course, it is not possible to learn every language in the world, for every single country you’re traveling to. But there are some languages that you can learn and can help you in various countries.

In this blog, we'll explore some of the major languages you should consider learning to make your travels more enriching and enjoyable.

The universal language

Traveling offers a unique opportunity to connect with people from various backgrounds and immerse yourself in the essence of different societies. While English is often considered the universal language of travel and also the world's most spoken language, not everyone you encounter will speak it fluently. You should still invest your time in learning English as it will help you communicate with people in most countries of the world, even if it is not their national language.

French: The Language of Elegance and Artistry

If you're drawn to the romance of the language and the world of art and fashion then French might be your ideal choice. It is spoken in around 29 countries arounds the world. With approximately 280 million speakers worldwide, learning French opens doors to an array of breathtaking destinations, including France, Canada, parts of Switzerland, Belgium, and several African nations. You can easily translate French language to your own local language to learn it better. But let us tell you, French is a difficult language to learn due to its complex pronunciation and dialect.

French is celebrated for its eloquence and beauty. It's the language of love, culinary excellence, and timeless literature. Learning French will enrich your travel experiences, allowing you to engage with the locals on a deeper level, whether you're exploring the charming streets of Paris or meandering through the vineyards of Bordeaux.

Spanish: The language of warmth and diversity

Spanish is one of the world's most spoken language in the world, making it an excellent choice for travelers. With more than 460 million native speakers, you can use your Spanish skills in many countries, including Spain, Mexico, much of Central and South America, and even parts of the United States. The language itself is incredibly melodious and known for its warmth and richness.

Learning Spanish offers you access to a treasure of cultural experiences, from the vibrant streets of Barcelona to the colorful markets of Mexico City. The ability to converse in Spanish will enhance your interactions with locals, help you savor authentic cuisine, and immerse you in the celebrations and traditions of Spanish-speaking nations. You can look for English to Spanish guides or language books to help you come up with the major phrases and sentences to speak. It is, however, better to go for google translate or other technological tools.


As China continues to rise as a global superpower, Chinese becomes an increasingly valuable language for travelers. With over a billion native speakers, Chinese is definitely one of the most widely spoken languages globally. Learning it can open doors to explore China's rich history, its modern cities, and its incredible landscapes. Chinese language has different dialects like cantonese, mandarin and hakka etc. However, mandarin is the dialect most widely used. It is also a very difficult language so you need to keep that perspective in mind too.

While Mandarin's tonal nature can be challenging for beginners, the effort is rewarded with the ability to communicate in one of the world's most influential cultures. Learning Mandarin is not only about the language but also about understanding Chinese philosophy, art, and traditions. The reason behind this is, chinese characters are quite complex than normal English letters and their forms are deeply in-built in the meanings of those characters or words. However, it will be a good idea to go for translation so that you can know the exact meaning of the words and learn their written forms.

From the Great Wall to the Terracotta Army, your journey through China will be greatly enhanced by speaking the local language.


Arabic, with its intricate script and rich history, beckons travelers seeking to delve into the heart of the Middle East. With over 300 million native speakers, Arabic is a doorway to exploring countries like Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates.

Arabic is not only the language of ancient civilizations but also the key to understanding the nuances of contemporary Arab societies. Learning Arabic script and phrases will allow you to navigate bustling markets, bargain with local merchants, and savor the flavors of traditional dishes. If you know languages like urdu, farsi (persian) or turkish, it will be easier for you to translate it to your native language.

It's a language that will deepen your appreciation of the Arab world's cultural, historical, and religious significance.

Some tips to help you learn a new language

While learning new languages may seem challenging, it's a rewarding endeavor that can amplify the joys of travel. Even a few basic phrases can go a long way in fostering meaningful connections with locals and enhancing your cultural immersion. Each language you learn is a key that unlocks a different facet of our beautifully diverse world.

Here are some tips to help you learn a new language effectively:

  • Set Clear Goals:

Define why you want to learn the language and what you hope to achieve. Having clear objectives will keep you motivated.

  • Immerse Yourself:

Surround yourself with the language as much as possible. Watch movies with translation or subtitles, listen to music, and read in the target language.

  • Take Classes:

Consider formal language classes or courses. They provide structure and guidance.

  • Practice Regularly:

Consistency is key. Dedicate a little time every day to practice, even if it's just 15-30 minutes.

  • Use Language Apps:

There are many language learning apps available, like Duolingo, Memrise, and Babbel. They make learning fun and interactive. For example, if you are learning Spanish, you can easily find English to Spanish feature that will help you learn better.

  • Practice Speaking:

Don't be afraid to speak, even if you make mistakes. Speaking is an essential part of learning.

  • Set Milestones:

Break your language learning journey into smaller goals, such as learning a certain number of words each week.

So, as you plan your next adventure, consider picking up a few phrases in the local tongue. Your efforts will be met with smiles, appreciation, and a deeper understanding of the destinations you explore. Happy travels, language learners!