The best-known country for its responsible wildlife tourism
November 08 , 2023

The best-known country for its responsible wildlife tourism

There are countless breathtaking natural sites around the globe, but they are all equally delicate and stunning. We adore the outdoors, so someone constantly conflicted us about how many of them we should see and how much harm we might do without realizing it. Traveling to see wildlife is becoming a more and more popular option for travelers; in fact, wildlife vacations have surpassed beach vacations to become the fourth most popular holiday choice for British citizens. One of True Travel's main product offerings is wildlife vacations, and we recognize and appreciate the enthusiasm that many of our customers have for discovering the wildlife of the globe on our safari trip.

On-vacation safaris are not only the way to enjoy wildlife; in fact, there are so many outstanding locations to choose from when planning a wildlife travel experience that it's challenging to know where to start.

Visit Thailand to Spot Elephants Roaming Freely

When you come to Thailand with us, your stay in Chiang Mai includes a guided tour of Chang Chill, an ethically managed elephant refuge. It's one of Thailand's must-see hidden treasures. During a hands-off exploration tour and conversation with the elephant caretakers, you will discover more about Asian elephants while you watch them graze freely. Even better, you get to help prepare food and medicine for the six elephants that live on the grounds. The highlight of the entire experience might be having lunch at a location that looks out over the elephants' natural bathing area. The views are worthy of a camera roll.

Seeing elephants in Thailand is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but it has to be done both for the traveler and safe for the animals. No business is more aware of this than Chang Chill, which means "calm elephant." I did not give elephant welfare priority in the owner's previous business, which provided experiences, including riding, bathing, and feeding. The World Animal Protection then offered to work with him to develop his company into what it is now, which is “a place where elephants can simply be elephants.” We can support the mission of wildlife tourism!

To Interact With Giraffes Visit to Kenya

We do not want to keep this a secret, So let us share one of the main advantages of responsible travel. Please spread this news, because the encounters are entertaining for guests like you and safe for the animals. Hear it from visitor Kristine, who, while on our Kenya Wildlife Safari, visited the Giraffe Center in Nairobi after reading our Kenya Travel Guide. "Hand-feeding the giraffes was the trip's most thrilling adventure." She remarked, "I adore giraffes."

Raising rare animals, such as the critically endangered Rothschild's giraffe, and carrying out conservation activities to boost population numbers are the goals of the Giraffe Center. We have released forty giraffe calves into the wild to date.

Head to South Africa to See Semi-Wild Chimps

A small area outside of Eswatini on the way to Kruger National Park is the chimpanzee equivalent of paradise. Chimp Eden, as the name suggests, is the sole chimpanzee refuge in South Africa. A division of the Jane Goodall Institute, Chimp Eden was founded and named for the well-known English primatologist world's foremost authority on chimpanzees. Retired chimpanzees from cruel settings are transported to ChimpEden for rehabilitation and reintegration. Joining our small group tour of South Africa will allow you to explore one of the best wildlife travel destinations in the world, Chimp Eden. I kept the chimp in semi-wild habitats with no human contact.

To See Bengal Tigers on Prowl Visit to India

Many tourists have a Bengal tiger experience on their bucket list, and some are fortunate enough to cross it off. "Our group saw wonderful wildlife sightings (a five-year-old tiger, two rarely spotted sloth bears, blue bull antelopes, deer, and so much more) at Ranthambore National Park, which was one of the many places of great historical and cultural interest on the thoughtfully planned India itinerary," traveler Davara said. Donk shows how wildlife tourism can (and should!) protect animals and indigenous communities possibilities. Travelers like you who support Donk and similar anti-poaching efforts have enabled Tiger Watch to increase the number of Bengal tigers in the area from 18 in 2005 to over 60 by 2020.

To Support Koala and Kangaroo Rehabilitation Fly to Australia

Raise your hand if witnessing Australia's distinctive animals flourishing in a secure, wholesome habitat is part of your ideal tour day. Also us! For this reason, in our travels in Australia, we include the Taronga Conservation Society and Wildlife Visit. A guided tour of Sydney's Taronga Zoo's Taronga Institute of Science & Learning, a carbon-neutral enterprise pioneering tourism in Australia, is included in this optional trip. The institute's scientists research the indigenous animal groups of the nation and create initiatives to protect vulnerable environments. It includes sponsoring groups that fight wildlife trafficking and offering assisted reproductive treatments to increase the population of critically endangered animals. During our tour of the animal holdings, our guide will explain how the sea turtles, corroboree frogs, elephants, pangolins, rhinos, and Sumatran tigers are cared for. Then, the moment you have been anticipating arrives. See both species contentedly lounging and frolicking in the Tree Kangaroo and Koala Walkabout sections.

New Zealand Visit to Learn about Kiwi's

Not only is the term "kiwi" used to refer to people from New Zealand tourism, but it also names the famous native bird of the region. It should come as no surprise that the people in the area are very protective of their namesake. The Rotorua Region's Rainbow Spring National Kiwi Hatchery is the biggest in New Zealand and shields the birds from human-introduced predators. They also included it in our New Zealand Travel Guide as one of the must-see locations. The hatchery handles 66% of all kiwis hatched each year through their project called Operation Nest Egg. Without their work, kiwis would be on the brink of extinction. Only 5% of kiwis survive into adulthood. They’re large enough to fight off their most common predator: the invasive short-tailed weasel. Our expert local guide will show you the kiwi babies growing up at the hatchery and how they work to rescue and rehabilitate injured ones, too.

Trip to South Africa to Watch the Penguins

One of the best places in the world to travel to see wildlife is South Africa, particularly if you want to see safari animals. Is there an animal that you were hoping to see but didn't? The African penguin is in peril! You're in luck since Boulder Beach in Cape Town is home to a colony of these flightless birds that are content with their lives. The cost of your tour includes admission to this protected marine area, which helps the Simon's Town Penguin and Seabird Rangers. A rehabilitation program for sick and injured seabirds, particularly those impacted by oil spills, is run by this non-profit organization. To aid in population growth, they also rear African penguin chicks at risk in their labs. Over 7,000 penguin chicks were rescued.